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Our jewelry often serves as an extension of who we are and what we stand for. Beyond their appearance and sentimental value, jewelry pieces are also a financial and family investment. 

That’s why we all look for high-quality pieces. We seek pieces crafted with skill and care, using ethically sourced metals and natural gemstones. Jewelers with integrity are in high demand, and they also provide excellent service and product personalization for unique and timeless jewels.

JPratt Designs takes pride in our long-standing heritage and reputation as jewelers and diamond brokers. Our extensive, multigenerational collection of satisfied national and international clients is a testament to our success. We credit our longevity and success to our vast knowledge, experience, level of detail, and high standards of design beauty, craftsmanship, and ethics. As a family business that loves what we do, we have a way of adding something extra that our clients and peers appreciate.

What Is the JPratt Designs Way?

The JPratt Designs way brings you authentic, personalized, and handmade jewelry works of art. We offer necklace, earring, bracelet, and ring jewelry design manufactured by a husband-and-wife team who are passionate about crafting the perfect piece for you. We work with 100% transparency and integrity, from the initial consultation to producing your exquisite and unique final piece, whether a chunky ring, a simple band, an ornate pendant, or a delicate bracelet.

Our signature approach also includes incorporating a small diamond into the bottom of the band of every ring we create, adding charisma and detail to enhance value. Additionally, we offer techniques that include clean casting and lost-wax casting, which are especially critical for detailed platinum pieces. 

JPratt Designs has partnered with esteemed casting house TechForm, a leader in platinum jewelry, to provide this niche service. TechForm yields robust and resilient pieces based on its aerospace and medical experience, techniques, and technology. Highly versatile and adaptable, this ISO 9001- and 14001-certified company can cast from hand-carved waxes, vulcanized silicone rubber molds, and 3D-printed models.

Most of our pieces are hand carved by Jeff Pratt himself, providing a personalized and unique experience. We are able to use a computer-aided (CAD) machine for certain pieces that will benefit from the symmetry and exactness that CAD provides, but ultimately Jeff’s eye and attention touches every piece, elevating our products and setting us apart.

The Origins of the JPratt Designs Way

Throughout JPratt Designs’ existence, we’ve focused on developing long-term relationships through our faith and family values-driven service. We combine this aesthetic with a professional mindset, a respected and continually expanding skill set, and a genuine love of fine jewelry. 

We know how much your jewelry means to you and perhaps your family. So, beyond sculpting exceptional new pieces, we also repair, revive, and repurpose existing items you may not be wearing but would love to. 

Core Principles of the JPratt Designs Way

We pride and differentiate ourselves on our core principles:

  • Integrity of attitude and materials
  • Putting our clients’ needs first 
  • Unique designs and distinct styles 
  • Reliance on only the finest metals and gemstones
  • Advanced manufacturing techniques for exceptional creation
  • Handcrafted detail, intricacy, and finishes
  • Reliable, consistent quality 
  • Personalized service excellence

Not least, our hidden diamond ring tradition demonstrates unmatched originality, superiority, and class.

Choose the Uniqueness, Style, and Reliability of the JPratt Designs Way

JPratt Designs has been designing, customizing, creating, and recreating high-end jewelry since 1988, giving you the benefits of over 30 years of experience and expertise. Design the promise, engagement, wedding ring, special occasion, or everyday ring you deserve, one with our discreetly distinguished hidden diamond. For inspiration, please browse our women’s, men’s, and bridal galleries, and then choose the JPratt Designs way today. Contact us to book your consultation appointment or for more information.

Stay tuned, more blog items coming soon!

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