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Jewelry can enhance your outfit in many ways. It shows off your personality and personal style, draws attention to your best features, and complements the cut and color of your clothes. It also makes the perfect Christmas gift and fashion accessory for the holidays. Custom jewelry takes it one step further, allowing you to personalize the design to your loved one’s taste.

Keep reading for more on custom jewelry, how to style it, and our top jewelry gift ideas for the holiday season.

The Unique Appeal of Custom Jewelry and Why It Makes the Perfect Gift

Giving jewelry as a Christmas gift is nothing new, but getting it custom-made can make your presents feel extra special. These gifts are one-of-a-kind and will never go out of style. They are thoughtful and sentimental and show the people in your life how much you appreciate them.

gold stacked rings

Custom pendants are not only for others on Christmas. Getting yourself jewelry gifts can spice up your holiday outfits and help you build a well-rounded accessory collection with pieces that suit every season. Since you’ll be working with an experienced jeweler, your custom jewelry is guaranteed to be high quality and boast details and durability that other jewelry simply cannot.

How to Match Your Jewelry to Your Holiday Outfits 

Custom jewelry is not only for Christmas. The holidays are scattered with occasions to dress up and wear your finest festive jewels. Here are three tips for incorporating jewelry into your holiday outfits:

1. Focus on color coordination

Mixing different metals was once a fashion faux pas, but today, it’s a trendy way to make the most of your jewelry. Don’t be afraid to get a custom ring or pendant that features the best white and gold tones. Our favorite gift ideas include custom-made rings with layers of different metals. 

If you prefer to match your accessories, consider the color of your clothing when choosing which metal to wear. Colors on opposite sides of the color wheel tend to make the most striking pair. That’s why gold jewelry often produces the best Christmas jewelry — it pairs beautifully with deep reds, blues, and emerald greens.

You can also use colored gemstones as fashion statement pieces. Rubies look stunning against a deep navy dress, while emeralds pop a red holiday outfit.

2. Ensure the size of the jewelry doesn’t overpower the outfit

If you plan to wear a busy print or bold color this Christmas or New Year’s Eve, consider toning down the jewelry to give your outfit the spotlight. The opposite is also true — big, statement jewelry can bring even the simplest ensembles to life. 

diamond necklace

You can also use the neckline of your shirt or dress to inform the necklace style you (or your gift recipient) wears this Christmas. The best jewelry gift is one they can use again and again. Get a shorter chain if someone usually goes for crew or V-neck shirts. If they enjoy higher necklines, go for a longer one.

3. Learn how to layer your jewelry

Pinterest-worthy jewelry ideas usually involve some layering. Start by choosing a piece that you definitely want to wear. Then build your layers around it. You should always have a focal point with secondary layers that draw the eye to the main piece. For example, choose a short chunky necklace you love, then find smaller, more subtle earrings in a similar color or style to match. 

Custom Jewelry Ideas for the Holidays  

Looking for the perfect jewelry for her Christmas present? Explore some unique custom jewelry in our holiday gift guide below:


Custom earrings make some of the best jewelry for Christmas gifts. A pair of classic diamond hoops are a timeless design you can customize with her favorite gemstones. If you’re after something more intricate, choosing earrings by face shape can help you decide the length and design elements to include. For something simple and understated, consider a pair of ruby studs.


Cute Christmas necklaces often include red and green elements made from rubies and emeralds. You can make your custom necklace more festive with a red heart pendant, gemstone fairy lights, or dazzling diamond snowmen. Other sentimental Christmas jewelry ideas include hand-engraved and portrait jewelry that become personalized keepsakes for your loved ones.


Wrist jewelry is one of the most popular “gifts for her” because a bracelet is always visible to the wearer. When it comes to custom bracelets, the design options are limitless! You could even get something that speaks to your recipient’s hobbies or favorite novels. She may appreciate ornate designs on her Christmas jewelry if she loves period dramas. Gift ideas for nature lovers include gemstone animals, floral charm bracelets, and simple styles that are easy to wear outdoors.


Choose custom rings for a Christmas gift that celebrates your relationship with someone special. Remember, it’s not an engagement ring — now’s the time to do something playful. You can personalize a classic eternity ring by adding inscriptions inside, playing with different metals, and making one or two specific stones different from the others.

Create Custom Jewelry Gifts for Her This Christmas With JPratt

Are you looking for the perfect jewelry as a Christmas gift for her? We design and fashion customized rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets for every occasion. Contact us to schedule an appointment with our jewelry designers in time for the holiday season.

Stay tuned, more blog items coming soon!

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