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The tennis necklace is a classic, versatile jewelry accessory known now for its timeless and effortless beauty. Whether during the day or night, at a beach party or black tie event, you can pair these simple yet beautiful tennis diamond necklaces with almost anything. Wear yours with a swimsuit, T-shirt, ski suit, or red-carpet Armani Privé. 

What Is a Tennis Necklace?

The tennis necklace is a row of diamonds connected by a metal chain to encircle the neck closely.. Imagine the iconic pearl strand necklace but in glittering diamonds. It is usually 16 to 20 inches long, with around 125 gemstones. 

The tennis-style chain of diamonds is also known as an “eternity,” “line,” or “rivière” necklace. Line and eternity because there is a continuous row of stones, and rivière (French for “river”) thanks to the elegant, fluid motion. Fair enough, but why is it called a “tennis” necklace?

History of the Tennis Necklace

According to fashion lore, the tennis necklace gets its unlikely name in honor of American tennis great Chris Evert. The story goes that during the 1978 U.S. Open, Evert, who favored wearing glamorous earrings, pendants, and sautoirs, lost her diamond bracelet during play. 

The game was paused until the piece was found, and the now-familiar “tennis bracelet” and “tennis necklace” names were coined. However, you don’t need to play tennis to enjoy this gorgeous diamond necklace.

Are Diamond Tennis Necklaces Always in Style?

There are numerous reasons why tennis necklaces are always in style. The timeless jewelry is versatile, effortlessly elegant, and speaks of celebrity style and class. They’re also comfortable to wear and pair perfectly with tennis bracelets, diamond earrings, and other diamond neckpieces. Layering necklaces alongside this foundational piece further enhances its ability to create different aesthetics and looks. Additionally, with well-chosen gems and metal, the necklace is a thoughtful financial investment, sure to become a treasured family heirloom.

Types of Tennis Necklaces

Traditional tennis necklaces are diamond, round stoned, single strand, and collarbone length. While the tennis necklace design is beautifully basic, several exciting variations can suit your look. The classic choice includes consistently sized round or squarish diamonds in bezel or three- or four-prong settings. You can also find options with oval or emerald-shaped settings.

A graduated option has gems and settings that increase in size toward the middle of the diamond tennis chain, adding weight to the front. And a baguette design features a row of larger, oblong stones, providing even more brilliance and shine.

For a change from clear stones, you can also choose a tennis necklace set with colored gems, including sapphires, emeralds, and rubies. This variant introduces uniqueness and delightful color — whether as a string, in combination with, or interspersed with diamonds. 

Other options include a double gemstone or diamond cluster rows; a “floating” diamond option with stones on an invisible, micro tennis chain; or a trendy choker length.

You can also collaborate with a jeweler such as JPratt Designs to design and create a personalized tennis necklace that includes your preferred size and length, metals, gemstones, and settings.

Factors to Consider When Buying Diamond or Other Tennis Necklaces

Factors to consider include the tennis necklace’s length, setting shape, metal types, gemstone quality, and what’s in style.

Quality of Your Stones

Your price and long-term value of a tennis necklace will largely depend on the quality of your diamonds or other gemstones. You can ensure this quality by considering the 4 C’s established by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA).

The 4 C’s — color, cut, clarity, and carat – represent a universal scale determining and describing diamond and other gemstone quality. The rarest stones are clear or vividly colored, flawless (clarity), large or heavy (carat), and most skillfully cut. The elements you prioritize depend on what you’re looking for, with expert jewelers able to optimize whichever stone size or color you choose, using thoughtful shape, cut, setting, and metals. 

A fifth C might be customization. Your reputable jeweler will help you select your tennis necklace materials according to your preferences, budget, and lifestyle. Select naturally and ethically mined diamonds and other gemstones for peace of mind.

Diamond Tennis Necklace Metal

Your tennis necklace chain can be in popular platinum, or classic yellow, rose, or white gold. As gemstones are reflective, the metal you select to set your gems can enhance or detract from the look of your jewelry. 

diamond tennis necklace

Platinum and white gold are highly favored for a tennis necklace, as they offer a luster without detracting from the gemstone’s color and beauty. Your choice of metal will also be budget driven, with platinum being the most expensive. 

Necklace Length and Fit

Beyond choosing a style of tennis necklace that suits you and your wardrobe (or suits the loved one you’re gifting), be specific in the length of the necklace. The contemporary favorite for a women’s tennis necklace is a closer choker fit. However, this choice may not be comfortable or flattering for everyone, with the classic collarbone length just as fashionable and exquisite. It’s notable to remember that purchasing an extender is always an option – another reason why working with a reputable studio is so important. Always ensure your necklace has a secure clasp.

Design Your Bespoke Tennis Necklace With JPratt Designs

As a family business, we love working closely with clients to design and produce their dream jewelry. Our focus on quality, detail, and personalization means you’ll receive a well-crafted, one-of-a-kind necklace or other piece to treasure forever. Please consider JPratt Designs your ring, earring, bracelet, and necklace concierge when ordering your tennis necklace.

We are diamond brokers, so you can rely on our knowledge and network to source the perfect diamonds for your tennis necklace. If you’re shopping for tailored tennis necklaces for women or a customized men’s diamond tennis necklace, contact us today to book an appointment. 

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